Sale will end Dec 1 @ 11:59pm. Will remain open until leftovers soldout

FAQ and Terms

Where is this store based?

-United States!

Do you accept orders outside of the US?


How long will it take to receive my order?

-Hello, as of right now we are doing preorders of the zine meaning we'll sell until June1st. Once all the funds have been received we will order our merchandise and then go and ship these out. It will take about 2 to 12 weeks for all your items to ship AFTER pre-orders are finished. Please do keep in mind there might be delays due to production issues please know we are trying to get the best prouducts for our customers and that will take time

How long will it take to process my order?

-Since these are pre-orders your payment will process about 3-4 business days but your items will not ship until July or August of 2019

How do i pay for my order? Is it secure?

-You can use any payment method, we are US based so all currency is in USD. As for secure method we do infact use paypal so the best secure web possible

What if something is wrong with my order?

-If you have an issue with your order please contact us through the store contact link above or email us at [email protected]


-We do not provide refunds if you have given us an invalid address, failed to update an address with us, or you are unsatisfied with product (simply didn't like it).

All sales final.

Unless you receive damaged goods and or a missing good please contact us through here and we will help you in best way possible.